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Ghid practic de utilizare evaluare geriatrica.

Ministerul Sanatatii

Ordin nr. 1454 din 2010


Argumente, eficienţa, cuantificarea datelor evaluării, formarea limbajului medical european şi internaţional

Conf. Univ. Dr. LUIZA SPIRU

Preşedinte al Comisiei Naţionale de Geriatrie şi Gerontologie

Catedra de Geriatrie Gerontologie / U.M.F. ,,Carol Davila” Bucureşti

Şef Clinica Universitară Geriatrie Gerontologie/Spit. Univ. de Urg. Elias

Şef Centrul de Diagnostic şi Tratament al Bolilor de Memorie

Coordonator pt România al European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium

Evaluarea geriatrică (EG) este o abordare interdisciplinară care vizează estimarea medicală şi psihosocială a pacientului, stabilirea unui diagnostic corect şi identificarea strategiilor adecvate pentru prevenţie, tratament şi reabilitare. Astfel, eforturile şi cheltuielile în domeniul îngrijirii medicale pot fi reduse, iar speranţa de viaţa va creşte.

EG include un istoric natural complex al fiecărui pacient, care include date personale, detalii antropometrice, antecedente heredocolaterale, diagnosticări şi tratamentele anterioare şi date referitoare la condiţiile ambientale de viaţa (fumat, alcool, droguri, stress, mediu toxic, statutul social).

Este un proces multidimensional realizat pentru evaluare:

a persoanelor în vârstă.

EG cuprinde scale de evaluare specifice grupelor de vârstă, de peste 50 de ani, care facilitează într-un timp eficient obţinerea de informaţii pentru stabilirea unui DIAGNOSTIC CORECT DE VÂRSTÂ, în contextul polipatologiei pacientului.

S-a constatat că numeroase persoane vârstnice suferă de:

– probleme medicale,

– probleme mentale,

– probleme sociale complexe

EG vizează o instruire asupra concluziilor modificărilor medicale şi psihosociale ale persoanelor în vârstă.

EG începe cu identificarea deteriorării clinice şi a factorilor de risc ai acestei deteriorări. Deteriorarea clinică se referă la:

– agravarea unei boli

– înrăutăţirea statuss-ului funcţional

Profesioniştii din sănatate dezvoltă strategii de:

– prevenire,

– tratare,

– reeducare


– ameliorarea capacităţilor funcţionale ale pacientului,

– păstrarea capacităţilor funcţionale ale pacientului,

– creşterea speranţei de viaţă.

Evaluarea de Geriatrie-Gerontologie

Realizarea unui istoric corect, elaborat, cu ajutorul pacientului şi aparţinatorului este cheia unui diagnostic corect şi a prioritizării reale a diagnosticului final, în cadrul polipatologiei pacientului.

Istoricul natural este urmat de aplicarea unui set de scale de evaluare specific pentru fiecare grupă de vârstă (începând de la 50 de ani):


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  3. Norberg J., Graff C., Almkvist O., Ewers M. E., Frisoni G. B., Frölich L., Hampel H., Jones R., Kehoe P., Lenoir H., Minthon L., Nobili F., Olde Rikkert M., Rigaud A.-S., Scheltens Ph., Soininen H., Spiru L., Tsolaki M., Wahlund L.-O., Vellas B., Wilcock G., Verhey F., Visser P. J.; Regional effects of APOE ε4 in mild cognitive impairment and subjective cognitive impairment: Results from the DESCRIPA study, Neuroepidemiology, ISSN: 0251-5350, 2009
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  1. Ramakers IHGB, Visser PJ, Aalten P, Boada M., Jones R., Frisoni GB, Spiru L, Nobili F, Soininen H, Touchon J, Portet F, Olde Rikkert M, Wilcock G, Hampel H, Scheltens Ph, Frölich L & Verhey FRJ; The prevalence and severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment: The DESCRIPA study; IPA Junior Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics, ISSN 1041- 6102, 2009
  2. Reynish E., Cortes F., Andrieu S., Cantet C., Olde Rikkert M., Melis R., Froelich L., Frisoni G.B., Jönsson L., Visser P.J., Ousset P.J., Vellas B., Jones L R.W., Burns A., Bullock R., Malick A., Salmon E., Waldemar G., Dartigues J.F., Pasquier F., Touchon J., Robert Ph., Rigaud A.S., Camus V., Stiens G., Frölich L., Costa-Tsolaki M., Frisoni G., Rodriguez G., Cherubini A., Spiru L., Boada M., Salva A., Agüera-Morales E., Ribera-Casado J.M., Lage P.M., Winblad B./ Eriksdotter Jönhagen M., Michel J.P., Scheltens P., Olde-Rikkert M., The ICTUS Study: A Prospective Longitudinal Observational Study of 1,380 AD Patients in Europe; Study Design and Baseline Characteristics of the Cohort; Neuroepidemiology, ISSN: 0251-5350, 2007;29:29-38; Sept. 24, 2007
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  6. Spiru L, Vellas B, Ousset PJ, Winblad B, Testul MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) si testul orologiului, Brain Aging International Journal – editie in limba romana, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, 2003
  7. Spiru L, Vellas B, Ousset PJ,, Scorul IADL al activitatilor curente, Brain Aging International Journal – editie in limba romana, Vol. 2, Nr.1, 2004
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  11. Spiru L., Vellas B., Ousset P.J., Effects of Hospitalization on Cognitive Function, Activities of Daily Living Capacity and Behavior in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: a Longitudinal Study, Brain Aging International Journal, ISSN 1582-8352; Vol. 1, nr. 1 / 2002
  12. Spiru L., Prevalence of co-morbidities in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients – a Romanian descriptive study, Neurobiology of Aging, ISSN: 0197- 4580, Vol: 25, Issue 2, Pg: S313-S313, Data: 2004-2007
  13. Spiru L., A Romanian DESCRIPA project presentation; Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, ISSN: 1552-5260, Vol: 2, Issue: 3, Pages: S285-S285, Data: 7-2006
  14. Spiru L., A Romanian EC DESCRIPA project presentation, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, ISSN: 1552-5260, Vol: 3, Issue: 3, Pg: S155-S156, Data: 2007-7
  15. Spiru L.; Mild cognitive impairment – MCI: Should it be treated or not? Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, ISSN: 1552-5260, Vol: 4, Issue: 4, Pg: T494-T494, Data: 2008-7
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  25. Visser PJ, Verhey F, Knol DL, L. Spiru et al., Prevalence and prognostic value of CSF markers of Alzheimer’s disease pathology in patients with subjective cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment in the DESCRIPA study: a prospective, case–control study. Lancet Neurol 2009; published online June 11. DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(09)70139-5.
  26. J. Norberg, C. Graff, O. Almkvist, M. E. Ewers, G. B. Frisoni, L. Frölich, H. Hampel, R. Jones, P. Kehoe,
  27. Lenoir, L. Minthon, F. Nobili, M. Olde Rikkert, A.-S. Rigaud, Ph. Scheltens, H. Soininen, L. Spiru, M.Tsolaki, L.-O. Wahlund, B. Vellas, G. Wilcock, F. Verhey, P. J. Visser, Regional effects of APOE ε4 in mild cognitive impairment and subjective cognitive impairment: Results from the DESCRIPA study
  1. A pilot, comparative epigenomic and metabolomic study in healthy elderly, adult and young people, Cucu N., Anton G., Radu LG, Turcu I., Spiru L, in: Collection of Selected Free Papers from the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease AD/PD, Prague, Czech Republic, March 11-15,2009, Editors: Abraham Fisher and Israel Hanin, Medimond International, January 2010, pp.83-89
  1. Gender aspects in Mild cognitive Impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) conversion. A Romanian epidemiological study, Spiru L., Ioancio I., Nuta C., Turcu I., in: Collection of Selected Free Papers from the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease AD/PD, January 2010, pp.59-65
  1. Arguments for the reconsideration of procaine as a potent therapeutic molecule in AD/PD, Turcu I., Spiru L., in: Collection of Selected Free Papers from the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease AD/PD, Prague, Czech Republic, March 11-15, 2009, Editors: Abraham Fisher and Israel Hanin, Medimond International, January 2010, pp.127-135
  1. A pilot, comparative epigenomic and metabolomic study in healthy elderly, adult and young people, Cucu N., Anton G., Radu LG, Turcu I., Spiru L, in: Collection of Selected Free Papers from the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease AD/PD, Prague, Czech Republic, March 11-15,2009, Editors: Abraham Fisher and Israel Hanin, Medimond International, January 2010, pp.83-89
  1. Gender aspects in Mild cognitive Impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) conversion. A Romanian epidemiological study, Spiru L., Ioancio I., Nuta C., Turcu I., in: Collection of Selected Free Papers from the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease AD/PD, January 2010, pp.59-65
  2. Arguments for the reconsideration of procaine as a potent therapeutic molecule in AD/PD, Turcu I., Spiru L., in: Collection of Selected Free Papers from the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease AD/PD, Prague, Czech Republic, March 11-15, 2009, Editors: Abraham Fisher and Israel Hanin, Medimond International, January 2010, pp.127-135
  3. Visser PJ, Verhey F, Knol DL, L. Spiru et al., Prevalence and prognostic value of CSF markers of Alzheimer’s disease pathology in patients with subjective cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment in the DESCRIPA study: a prospective, case–control study. Lancet Neurol 2009; published online June 11. DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(09)70139-5.
  1. J. Norberg, C. Graff, O. Almkvist, M. E. Ewers, G. B. Frisoni, L. Frölich, H. Hampel, R. Jones, P. Kehoe, H. Lenoir, L. Minthon, F. Nobili, M. Olde Rikkert, A.-S. Rigaud, Ph. Scheltens, H. Soininen, L. Spiru, M. Tsolaki, L.-O. Wahlund, B. Vellas, G. Wilcock, F. Verhey, P. J. Visser, Regional effects of APOE ε4 in mild cognitive impairment and subjective cognitive impairment: Results from the DESCRIPA study
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